Now in its 54th year, the IGMT program is designed to foster and improve intergovernmental relationships among promising mid-management staff.
Participants come from all sectors of government (city, county, state, federal, education, special district, and affiliated organizations), and virtually every profession is represented by those agencies.
Discover more details about IGMT's program in our brochure.
It’s time to submit your application for the next IGMT class! All the IGMT mentors are looking forward to ushering in the next group of leaders. IGMT’s focus and goal have always been to help individuals in leadership roles expand their knowledge base and leadership skills. We want to open your minds and expand your […]
I heard stories from others that were inspiring, and seeing their struggle and fight for what they believed in, made me realize I too had that, and that I too have what it takes to achieve my professional goals.
On day one, I was so guarded and insecure with myself around others. I am sure it showed during our ice breaker session … The members in my group were extremely helpful, and encouraging, but what was really great, they truly cared and their feelings were genuine. We did an outstanding job on our topic and I felt great being a part of the team.
This little girl from Compton, CA and Broderick, CA, whom was never good enough to amount to much in life has always had to work twice as hard to prove she’s smart too. I may never be the brightest of them all, but I do have both the streets and book smarts to get to where I want to get to in life. That I do know now, but it didn’t come easily, it was people/programs like IGMT that have been my biggest influence, and have helped me build the confidence I need to continue moving forward.